
Presentations, publications, thesis, etc.

Atmospheric Science and Remote Sensing

Quantifying methane point sources from fine-scale (GHGSat) satellite observations of atmospheric methane plumes

Daniel Varon, Daniel Jacob, Jason McKeever, Dylan Jervis, Berke Durak, Yan Xia, et Yi Huang. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2018. (UNDER REVIEW)

Quantifying Industrial Methane Emissions from Space with the GHGSat-D Satellite

Stéphane Germain, Berke Durak, David Gains, Dylan Jervis, Jason McKeever, James Sloan. AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Progress report from GHGSat-D: Towards commercial high spatial resolution CH4 and CO2

Berke Durak, Jason McKeever, David Gains, Stéphane Germain,James Sloan. Presentation at IWGGMS 13, Helsinki 2017.

Fabry-Perot interferometer based satellite detection of atmospheric trace gases , US patent US US9228897B2

James Sloan, Berke Durak et al.

Automata theory

Collage of two-dimensional words

Christian Choffrut and Berke Durak. Theoret. Comp. Sci , 340(2):364-380, 2005.

Two-Way Finite Automata with A Write-Once Track

Berke Durak. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 12 (2007) 1/2 97-115

My entry at DBLP .




First page of my paper, in print!

Dependency management

News from the EDOS project: improving the maintenance of free software distributions

Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Berke Durak, Xavier Leroy, Fabio Mancinelli, Mario Morgado, David Pinheiro, Ralf Treinen, Paulo Trezentos, Jérôme Vouillon. VIIth Workshop on Free Software , 2006.

Improving the Quality of GNU/Linux Distributions

Jaap Boender, Roberto Di Cosmo, Jerôme Vouillon, Berke Durak, Fabio Mancinelli. 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC, pp.1240-1246, 2008
